hey, I’m hana
I’m a specialist photographer of people based in Hampshire but with a strong will to travel the UK to connect with humans celebrating, connecting or advocating. I photograph for businesses, charities, families (and their pets) as well as weddings.
I’m a bit weird and proud of it.
My pronouns are she/her.
I love dogs and sushi and margaritas, and if all three combine it’s a real treat.
I’m quite sharp and I just LOVE making people laugh.
I tend to blend in and get chatting to everyone at weddings and events. I find it allows me to get involved while I’m busy snapping away, and human connection always makes for better photos.
When I’m photographing, I tend to be pretty up for anything – if a shot requires lying on the floor or hanging out in a crane then I’m all for it.
I’m fully insured and I have more clothes at home/in the car… getting the right shots and having a total hoot while I do it is totally important to me.
If you’re looking for photography which seamlessly fits your day, or captures your brand, I can do that!

I live in Alton, Hampshire with my husband Tom and our two dogs, Bill + Ernie (my Mum and Dad have Bert…!)
Bill is a rescue GSP, and Ernie a rescue Miniature Schnauzer. They’re both stinky and they’re both 6.
I identify as a bisexual woman and queer rights as well as the rights of those who don’t conform to gender norms are very important to me.
I’m not a Tory, and I’m not a vegetarian.
Bullets about me:
🐕 first and foremost a committed dog fan
🦄I’ve got blue hair and funky glasses 👓
🥬 crunchy is my fave food group (salad, honeycomb, pork scratchings)
💍 married to my leggy friend since 12.11.21
🍸tequila is my favourite drink (honeymargs!)
🐊 yes it was my sisters who were attacked by a crocodile in 2021
🎪 I’m 1/3 of the Camp Reuben organisers at 2000 Trees Festival
🤘🏼 I’m a bigfatmetaller and I’m not sorry
🤬 sweary is my default
🌄 mornings over evenings, summer over winter
Things I’ve seen and done at weddings:
🧵 Sewed button holes, bridesmaid dresses and boobs back in
🐴 Hung out with a donkey serving champagne
🦙 A surprise alpaca meet and greet
🌈 Been to the headstone of a loved one on the way to the ceremony
🏕 Found guests at the campfire at 6am the next morning
👀 Seen A LOT of people’s bodies
🏎 Driven Mum to the ceremony after transport falls through (x3!)
🌻 Pinned so many buttonholes, and rescued flowers
🏗 Been in a cherry picker/crane for group photos and bouquet toss
🌳 Climbed a tree for photos
🥺 Cried in the ceremony/speeches
🎠 Got really dizzy going backwards on a carousel
😅 Sweated my tits off in a greebo dancefloor
🏄 Been on a surf machine
🧻 Helped a guest into a toilet paper dress
🌂 Sheltered folks with brollies
🥪 Shared snacks (hoolahoops) with a hungry toddler at risk of The Sads
💍 Looked after the engagement ring in the ceremony
🔧 Given a TickHook to a guest…!
👨🦰 Rescued a Ginger in summer with Factor 50
🤱 Babysat
🐕 Dog sat!!!